Research and Development

Our research department is predominantly involved in basic botanical research and undertakes independent assignments on any system in this field. Genetic analyzes are an important basis for determining relationships between species and cultivars.

In addition to basic research, FIBEG also offers you the following services:

1)      The development of cultivation and breeding methods for plants and the patenting and marketing of these.

2)      The breeding and development of new plant varieties as well as their patenting and marketing.

3)      Order-related research for drug optimization of medicinal plants / pharmaceutically active plants using cultivation methods and local conditions;

4)      Seminars and staff training to provide knowledge in plant breeding and processing for producers of natural products from the pharmaceutical and agricultural sectors.





Expert reports

Creation of ornithological expert reports, bat expert reports, biotope mapping, expert reports on nature conservation.


In construction activities and interventions in nature, responsible treatment is a matter of course today. For licensing procedures, expert reports are required by the competent authorities.

We take over for you:


1)      Preparation of biological and ecological reports. Creation of ornithological expert reports (birdlife), bat expert reports, biotope mapping, expert reports on nature conservation, in development plans, compensation measures and environmental reports. A special focus of work is nature conservation expertise, among others in the framework of NATURA 2000.

2)      Whether in the construction of wind turbines, buildings, the laying of cables or other projects. For any intervention in nature and landscape, the Nature Conservation Act requires compensatory measures. These include, for example:

·                    Domestic orchards

·                    Grave renaturations

·                    The creation of wetlands

·                    Field tree plantings

·                    Bees and bat habitats

·                    The purchase of land

The planning of measures at the site of the intervention and the coordination between the approving authorities and the client are among our services.


The offer applies in particular to ornithological expert reports and the associated duty of exemption for construction measures. This concerns the request for exemption according to §45 BNatSchG (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz, Federal Nature Conservation Act).



For expert reports in Northern Germany with a focus on Berlin, we cooperate with a local partner. Follow the link for further contact information. 





Identification of plant pests

Almost every plant lover knows the problem. Despite good care, pests repeatedly appear on our houseplants. In other living areas such as the kitchen, pantry, basement and the moisture-prone rooms, it can come to an infestation of vermin.

What to do if you have recognized the problem?

First, it must be determined what an infestation it is. Then specific countermeasures can be initiated.

However, vermin are difficult to detect.

The spread of plant pests on the house plants are usually tiny and difficult to identify. 

FIBEG GmbH offers you the identification service for pests in the house and garden. You send the vermin to us and we'll identify it and give you advice on how to get rid of it. This always remits to two different methods. The ecological variant without the use of poison and the traditional method.

So you will get rid of the pest in a safe and quick manner.




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© FIBEG Forschungsinstitut für biologische Entwicklung und Gutachten GmbH